TYM T413 HST CAB Utility Tractor

The TYM T413 HST tractors have fast become the cream of the crop in the TYM family.


Brochure: T413 CAB

Product Code (SKU): tym-T413cab Category:
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Engine Type Yanmar
Number of Cylinders 3
Engine Power (hp/kW) 38.4/27.9
Engine Torque (Nm)
Transmission Type Hydrostatic
Number of Transmission Ranges 3
Side-by-side Forward / Reverse Transmission Pedals Tick
Cruise Control Tick
Maximum Speed (km/h) 27
PTO Speed (rpm) 540
Independent Push Button PTO engagement Tick
3-point Linkage Lift Capacity (kg) 1200
Number of Hydraulic Remotes 1 set
Integrated Joystick Control for Front-end Loader Tick
Weight – Tractor Only (kg) 1565